These programs are placed here primarily to assist students enrolled in the course. All programs are copyrighted as indicated in their opening comments. Students enrolled in CPS112 may reproduce them for personal study and anyone is free to use them for personal reference; all other rights are reserved.

  1. Course Introduction lecture
  2. An Example of an OO System: Karel J. Robot lecture
  3. Extending Classes and Defining Methods lecture
  4. Conditional Instructions lecture
  5. Iteration lecture
  6. Introduction to Event-Driven Programming lecture
  7. Working with Numbers lecture
  8. Making Choices lecture
  9. Primitive Types, Operators, and Strings lecture
  10. Defining Classes lecture
  11. Control Structures lecture
  12. Active Objects lecture
  13. Interfaces lecture
  14. Loops lecture
  15. Graphical User Interfaces, Events, Inner Classes lecture
  16. Recursion lecture
  17. Arrays and Collections, Multi-Dimensional Arrays lecture
  18. Strings and Characters lecture
  19. Inheritance and Polymorphism lecture
  20. Exceptions lecture
  21. File Input-Output lecture