Table of Contents > Understanding Video in JES > Video Functions in JES
Video Functions in JES

JES has the ability to create quicktime movies and play back lots of different movies. To get playback to work, make sure that you have installed Quicktime for Java. Instructions are on the JES Installation page. This is a list of functions that you may find useful when you are creating programs to manipulate or create videos in JES. Remember, these functions are part of a special library, and are not available in other Jython programming environments.
makeMovie makeMovie():
returns: an empty Movie object.
Makes a new "empty" Movie object and returns it. Takes no input.
makeMovieFromInitialFile makeMovieFromInitialFile(filename):
filename: string path to the first frame of the movie.
returns: a Movie object using the given file as the first frame
Takes a filename as input. Returns a Movie object using the given file as the first frame and using sequentially named files for subsequent frames (i.e. frame001, frame002, etc.)
addFrameToMovie addFrameToMovie(frame, movie):
frame: the filename of the frame to be added to the movie
movie: the movie object for the frame to be added to
Takes a filename and a Movie object as input. Adds the file as a frame to the end of the movie. addFrameToMovie(movie, frame) is also acceptable.
writeFramesToDirectory writeFramesToDirectory(movie[, directory]):
movie: the movie object containing the frames to be written
directory: a string path of the directory to write the frames (optional)
Takes a Movie object and (optionally) a string path to a directory as input. Writes the frames of the movie to the given directory. Default directory is the user's home directory.
playMovie playMovie(movie):
movie: the movie object to be played
Takes a Movie object as input and plays it.
writeAVI writeAVI(movie, path[, framesPerSec]):
movie: the Movie object that you want to write out. The frames must either all be in the same directory, or the frames must have been written out to a directory since the last change was made.
path: the path to the file you want the movie written to
framesPerSec: the frame rate for the movie (optional)
Writes a movie out in AVI format. Be sure to end the path with ".avi" so that the operating system will understand it properly. Default frame rate is 16.
writeQuicktime writeQuicktime(movie, path[, framesPerSec]):
movie: the Movie object that you want to write out. The frames must either all be in the same directory, or the frames must have been written out to a directory since the last change was made.
path: the path to the file you want the movie written to
framesPerSec: the frame rate for the movie (optional)
Writes a movie out in Quicktime format. Be sure to end the path with ".mov" so that the operating system will understand it properly. Default frame rate is 16.
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