Table of Contents > Setting Up JES > Installing Jython > Windows XP or 98/2000 > Command Prompt

Opening and Using the Command Prompt Window on Windows systems.

To open a Command Prompt window, select Programs, then Accessories, then Command Prompt from the Start Menu. (see image below).

Simple commands in the Command Prompt environment are derived from DOS and include:

dir Directory- lists the files and directories in the current directory.
cd directoryname Change Directory - changes directory to any directory inside the current directory. Use the dir command to determine which directories are there, and the cd command to get into one of them.
cd .. Change Directory - changes directory to the directory in which the current directory resides-or "moves up" one level. Once you have gotten into a directory, use cd .. to get back out.

What is the Command Prompt Window, anyhow?
The Command Prompt Window is simply a window that allows you to type commands directly to the computer. This is in contrast to using the graphical interface, which allows you to give commands to the computer by dragging and dropping, clicking on buttons and menus, etc.

Opening the Command Prompt