CS112 Project 2 - Spring, 2000
Project 2 for CS112 required students to create an applet that displays one or more analog clocks, whose time can be set by the user.
Project Requirements
Here are the projects the students turned in:
Michael Bond
Paul Bruce
Shawn Burke
Bryan Bushong
Darrell Cheney
Casey Cheshire
Krissy Couture
Chris Digiore
Erin Dray
Chris Ekholm
Ben Flanders
Micah Fournier
Jessica Gustin
Seth Jodoin
Kristi Johnston
Ron Kolias
Beth Kratz
Josh Krause
Christina Madsen
Grant Moxham
Josh Neffinger
Chris Nisbet
Meredith Pease
Michael Richards
Sarah Riddell
Nathan Rines
Travis Russi
Dawn Selph
Owen Webb
Keith Wedemeyer