

Prolog is an acronym for "PROgramming in LOGic" - so named because the language is based on the predicate calculus, and was originally developed in conjunction with work on automated theorem proof, though it is now used for a broad variety of purposes.


Prolog was developed in 1972 by Alain Colmeraur and Philippe Roussel of the AI Group (Groupe d'Intelligence Artificielle) of the University of Marseille, with the collaboration of Robert Kowalski of the University of Edinburgh. It was developed in conjunction with research on automatic proving of theorems.

As various implementations of Prolog were produced, a variety of dialects emerged.

Prolog Belongs to the Declarative Language Paradigm

Prolog is the principal representative of the declarative programming language paradigm. Whereas imperative and functional languages are based on theoretical models of computation (the Turing machine and the Lambda Calculus, respectively), in declarative programming, one states what is to be accomplished, and lets the system figure out how it is to be accomplished. The underlying theoretical model is the predicate calculus, and computation is accomplished by means of a proof procedure that finds a way to satisfy a goal by, in effect, proving a theorem!

For example, if one desired to sort a list into ascending order (using some transitive ordering relationship such as <), one might proceed along the following lines:

  1. A sorted list is a sorting of an original list if it is in order and it is a permutation of the original list.
  2. A list is in order if it consists of just one element, or if each successive pair of elements is in order.
  3. A list is a permutation of an original list if it is empty and the original list was empty, or its first member is a member of the original list and its remaining members are a permutation of the remainder of the original list.
  4. An item is a member of a list if it is the first element of the list, or it is a member of the remainder of the list.

One can now sort the list by, in effect, proving the theorem "there exists a sorted list that is a sorting of my given original list" - the proof procedure not only shows that this is true, but also discovers what that list is.

This reasoning yields the following Prolog program, which can successfully sort a list:

sort(List, SortedList) :-
	permutation(List, SortedList),
isSorted(List) :-
	List = [ _ ].		% List has exactly one element - always sorted
isSorted(List) :-
	List = [ First, Second | Rest ],
	First @=< Second,
	isSorted([ Second | Rest ]).
permutation([], []).
permutation(OriginalList, PermutedList) :-
	member(First, OriginalList, Remainder),
	permutation(Remainder, PermutedRemainder),
	PermutedList = [ First | PermutedRemainder ].

member(Element, [ Element | ListMinusElement ], ListMinusElement).

member(Element, [ First | Rest ], [ First | RestMinusElement ]) :-
	member(Element, Rest, RestMinusElement).
(There is one fly in the ointment here, however. This program is based on a strategy called generate and test - generate all possible solutions, and test each in turn until one is found that solves the original problem. Alas, in the case of sorting a list of N items, there are N! permutations. Since N! is O(2N), this algorithm has exponential complexity, and is impractical for any list of more than 10 or so items!) (It is, however, possible to write more efficient sorting algorithms in Prolog, at the expense of losing some of the elegance of a purely declarative approach.)

A key distinction between declarative languages and imperative languages lies in the notion of a variable. An imperative language variable is vary-able - at different points in the computation it typically takes on different values, and its value can be changed at any point by assignment. A declarative language variable is actually a mathematical variable - it either stands for some as yet unknown value which is to be discovered, or for all possible values. This distinction can be seen by noting that the statement x = x + 1, while perfectly meaningful in a language like C or Java, is a mathematical absurdity - there is no x for which this is true! (This is why some imperative languages use a distinctive symbol for assignment - e.g. := as used in Pascal or Ada.)

Prolog Representation of Information

Prolog programs are constructed from objects called terms, which are of three basic types: atomic terms (constants), structures, and variables.

Atomic Terms (Constants)

Most Prolog implementations provide three types of atomic term.


A Prolog structure consists of an atom followed immediately by a left parenthesis (with no intervening space), a list of arguments separated by commas, and a right parenthesis. The atom is called the functor of the structure, and the number of arguments is called its arity. For example, the following is a Prolog structure with functor dog and arity 3: dog(snoopy, beagle, owner(brown)). Note that an argument of a structure may itself be a structure.

In Prolog documentation, one often finds structures referred to by functor and arity - e.g. the above example could be denoted as being of the type dog/3. Sometimes, the documentation will refer to an atom as if it were a structure of arity 0 - e.g. the atom dog may be referred to as dog/0.

Though the structure is the only structured type in Prolog, the IO facility supports three different representations for structures. The latter two are simply a syntactic convenience - the internal representation for a structure is always the same.

Structures are used in several different ways in Prolog, with the meaning being determined by the context.


Any sequence of alphanumeric characters (including the underscore) which begins with an uppercase letter or the underscore is recognized as a variable - e.g.
However, variable names that consist of an underscore followed by a number (e.g. _0 or _123) are generated internally by the implementation, and should not be used in programs.

When the same variable name occurs more than once in a construct, it is the expectation that will refer to the same object each time it occurs. There is one exception to this - an underscore all by itself (_) is called the anonymous variable, and is regarded as a different variable (and hence can refer to different objects) each time it occurs in a given construct. For example, in the construct dog(X) :- beagle(X) (meaning "something is a dog if it is a beagle"), the variable X must refer to the same object in both uses; but if it were written as dog(_) :- beagle(_), the two uses of the anonymous variable would not need to refer to the same object - so the meaning would boil down to "anything is a dog as long as there is some object that is a beagle."

At any given time, a Prolog variable is in one of two states: uninstantiated, or instantiated. An uninstantiated variable has no value; an instantiated variable has as its value a constant or a structure, and means exactly the same thing as its instantiation. (In fact, in documentation it is common to find a phrase like "thus and such is an atom", which means that "thus and such is an atom, or a variable that has been instantiated to an atom".) During computation, an uninstantiated variable may become instantiated; howver, once a variable has been instantiated it cannot be instantiated to anything different while computation proceeds forward. It is also possible for two instantiated variables to share with one another - which simply means that if one becomes instantiated, then the other immediately becomes instantiated to the same thing.

As noted above, whenever a variable appears in a predication, it is to be understood in one of two senses

Prolog Computation

The Database

At any given time, the Prolog system has a database which consists of a collection of clauses that are either rules or facts.

Rules correspond to what are called Horn clauses in predicate logic (though the correspondence is not immediately apparent, and it is possible to formulate a rule that does not correspond to a Horn clause). In Prolog, rules have the form Head :- Body, where Head is either a structure or (more rarely) an atom, and the rule means "The head is true if the body is true." For example, we have already noted that the rule "something is a dog if it is a beagle" can be represented by the Prolog rule dog(X) :- beagle(X). Often, though, the body of a rule consists of several predications joined by , (as in the earlier sorting example), which in this context means logical conjunction (and) - e.g. a rule of the form chases(D, C) :- dog(D), cat(C) says that "something chases something else if the first something is a dog and the second is a cat."

Facts are simple predications - for example, the fact that snoopy is a beagle might be represented in Prolog by beagle(snoopy). Though infrequent, it is also possible for an atom to be recorded in the database as a fact - e.g. some program might record the fact input_done in the database to indicate that it has finished reading input.

Actually, facts are stored in the database as rules whose body is the atom true - a predication which is, of course, always true. Thus beagle(snoopy) is equivalent to - and would be stored as - beagle(snoopy) :- true, which says in effect that "snoopy is a beagle if true is true".

Variables which appear in rules are understood to be universal variables. Thus, in the rule dog(X) :- beagle(X), the variable X is understood as meaning "for all X" - but since the same variable appears in both the head and the body, its universality is constrained by the fact that the body predication must be true for any chosen value. (For this reason, it is rare to find a variable in a fact.) Moreover, the variables that appear in any given rule are strictly local to that rule; if another rule uses a variable with the same name, they are not the same variable.


Two terms are said to unify if they are the same, or can be made to be the same by some instantiation of uninstantiated variables in either or both terms. The instantiation(s) that make the terms unify is called a unifying substitution or a unifier. If there is more than one possible substitution, Prolog uses the most general unifier - the one that is least constraining on the variables.

The Prolog system performs unification automatically as part of the process of proving a goal, as discussed below. It is also possible to explicitly request unification by the use of the unification operator =. For example, a(b, X) = a(Y, c) succeeds by instantiating code>X to c and Y to b. Note well that unification is not at all the same as assignment or comparison even though it uses a symbol (=) that often has that meaning in other programming languages, and sometimes has an effect that is similar to either assignment or comparison. For example, the following two lines of Prolog code are absolutely identical in meaning, and (viewed as comparisons) are both true, provided X was uninstantiated prior to executing the statement.

X = a
means exactly the same thing as
a = X

Prolog also provides a "not unifiable" operator (\=) which succeeds just when two terms cannot be unified.

Proving a Goal

Prolog computation involves proving a goal (a structure or an atom) using the clauses in the database. Variables appearing in the goal are taken as existential variables, and the proof typically finds instantiations for them which make the goal true. The proof process makes use of a stack of goals. The following is the core of the process:

  1. Push the initial goal on the stack
  2. Repeat the following process until the stack becomes empty or it is not possible to proceed further.
  3. If the stack is empty, then declare success; else declare failure.
  4. If the process was successful, then report the instantiations of any variables in the initial goal.

As an illustration, suppose the database contains the following clauses:

dog(X) :- beagle(X).
chases(D, C) :- dog(D), cat(C).
We can formulate the question "Who chases whom?" as the goal chases(Chaser, Chasee). Starting this with the initial goal, we find that it unifies with the head of the final rule. Now our goal stack contains two goals: dog(Chaser) and cat(Chasee). The first goal unifies with the head of the "dog if beagle" rule. Now our goal stack still contains two goals, though the top goal is now different: beagle(Chaser) and cat(Chasee). The first goal unifies with the first fact with substitution snoopy for Chaser. The second goal unifies with the second fact with substitution garfield for Chasee. Since the goal stack is now empty, we announce success with the answer "snoopy chases garfield". (No one said that the Prolog database has to conform to reality :-))


Sometimes, there is more than one way to accomplish the step "Find a fact or a rule whose head will unify with the goal." In this case, the Prolog proof engine chooses the first possible clause. Sometimes, such a choice leads to failure of the proof, though the proof would have succeeded if a different choice had been made. For example, suppose our "chases" rule were chases(D, C) :- dog(D), fierce(D), cat(C). In this case, after discovering that snoopy is a dog, our goal stack would contain fierce(snoopy) and cat(Chasee). Of course, there is no clause that allows the first of these to be satisfied.

To deal with situations like this, the Prolog proof engine keeps track of choicepoints - places where there were two or more clauses that could have been chosen. If there are any outstanding choicepoints, then upon the failure of the top goal on the stack, the proof engine backtracks to the most recent choicepoint still having alternatives, tries another alternative instead, and proceeds as if it had been chosen in the first place. (Alternatives are considered in the order in which the clauses occur in the database.) In the example, once fierce(snoopy) fails, the proof engine backtracks to the place where it chose dog(X) :- beagle(X) to satisfy dog(Chaser) and instead chooses dog(butch) for this purpose. Since fierce(butch) corresponds to a fact in the database, the proof proceeds with answer "butch chases garfield."

When backtracking takes place, any instantiations done by the choice that is being redone, or since that choice was made, are undone - i.e. the variables involved become uninstantiated again. In the example above, the instantiation of Chaser to snoopy is undone so that it can be instantiated instead to butch.

There is a second situation under which backtracking occurs. After the proof engine has announced success, the user has the option to either accept the answer given or to request the proof engine to try to find more solutions. (This choice is made by entering ; - the Prolog symbol for "or" - before pressing return when success is announced). The proof engine then backtracks to the last open choicepoint, and proceeds to try to find a different solution. For example, in this case the proof engine would backtrack to the point where it found cat(garfield) as a fact that unified with the goal cat(Chasee), and would instead choose the fact cat(sylvester) leading to the new solution "butch chases sylvester". (If the user requested another solution at this point, the proof would fail since all possibilities have been exhausted.)

Practical Facilities that Move Beyond Pure Logic

Though Prolog is based on formal logic in the form of the predicate calculus, the language includes various facilities that are needed to allow it to be a practical programming language. These are provided by various builtin predicates. Step two of the proof procedure outlined above contains an additional test:

A builtin predicate may succeed or fail; if it fails, backtracking is initiated just as it is by the failure to find a clause that matches a goal. Moreover, some builtin predicates themselves create choicepoints if there is more than one way to satisfy the builtin - for example, the builtin predicate retract/1 removes the first clause that unifies with its argument from the database, and can be redone as many times as there are candidate clauses.

Prolog implementations differ significantly in terms of the builtin predicates they provide. In the case of the Edinburgh and ISO dialects, some of the difference is in the names of certain builtins. (For example, both Edinburgh and ISO Prolog provide a builtin predicate corresponding to logical negation, but the Edinburgh dialect calls this not and the ISO dialect calls it \+.) (Click here for a discussion of the builtin predicates that are part of the PrologJ implementation, which includes both the Edinburgh and ISO dialects plus several more.)

The discussion below includes many but by no means all the builtin predicates that might be found in a Prolog implementation.

Database Modification / Inspection Predicates

The set of Prolog builtin predicates includes facilities for modifying and inspecting the database. ISO Prolog requires that any predicate that is to be modified must be explicitly declared dynamic before any clauses for it appear; and any predicate that is to be inspected by clause/2 must be declared public unless it has been declared dynamic. (Edinburgh Prolog does not have the concept of dynamic or public predicates, and therefore does not have these requirements - all user-defined predicates can be modified or accessed as described here.)

Term Type Predicates

Each of these takes a single argument, and succeeds if the argument is of the specified type and fails otherwise. Although it is legal to apply one of these predicates to a constant or structure, its argument is usually a variable and the predicate tests the type of its instantiation or (except for nonvar/1) fails if the argument is uninstantiated.

Structure Decomposition Predicates

These allow accessing the parts of a structure, or constructing a structure, in various ways

Arithmetic Predicates

We have already noted that Prolog defines a large number of arithmetic functions, including the familiar arithmetic operations +, -, *, /. An expression composed of these functions is evaluated in one of two ways:

Term Comparison Predicates

These predicates allow the comparison of any two terms. The relational comparisons are based on an ordering relationship known as term-preceeds, which yields a total ordering of terms. In the case to two numbers of the same type (integer or float) this ordering is the same as normal arithmetic ordering; but a float always tests "less than" an integer.

Input Output Predicates

Prolog includes a large number of predicates for doing input/output. Most input predicates read either a single character or a term and unify the result with an argument. Most output predicates always succeed, but have the side effect of writing either a single character or a term. ISO Prolog provides two versions of most IO predicates; one reads or writes to the current input or output stream, and the other takes a "stream term" as an additional first argument. Some are specific to one or the other of the two dialects; others are common to both.

In a list of Prolog predicates, Most IO predicates can be recognized by having names that begin with get (single character or byte read), peek (single character or byte lookahead without reading), read (full term read), put (single character or byte write), or write (full term write.) (However, there are other IO predicates as well.)

Control Structures

We have already noted that the body of a Prolog rule often consists of a series of predications joined by commas. In this context, , is an atom, not a punctuation mark, and ,/2 is regarded as a predication corresponding to logical conjunction (and) - i.e. ,/2 is true just when both of its arguments are true. [Arguably, it is a bit confusing to find the same character used both as a punctuation mark and as an atom in different contexts!] Prolog provides a number of other logical operators as well, plus control structures that move beyond pure logic.


ISO Prolog defines a facility that can be used for handling errors. It uses two builtin-predicates: throw/1 and catch/3. An error is signalled by throwing a "ball" - a term which is descriptive of the error. The Prolog implementation does this automatically for various error conditions, but the user can also do so by using throw/1. When a ball is thrown, the system searches for the nearest ancestor catch/3 goal that can catch it; if there is no such ancestor then the Prolog system itself reports the error (in much the way that an uncaught exception is handled in a language such as Java.) This is perhaps best illustrated by an example - a program that classifies individual letters as either a vowel or a consonant. (Actually, the approach here is a bit non-elegant, but this is meant to illustrate a the concept being discussed here and the cut to be discussed next.)

classify :-
    	write('Please enter a letter to classify: '),
        get_char(L), skipln,
        catch(classify(L, C), not_letter, C = 'Not a letter'),
        write(C), nl,
    L = z.
classify(L, 'Vowel') :-
    member(L, [ a, e, i, o, u ]),
classify(L, 'Consonant') :-
    member(L, [ b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z ]),
classify(y, 'Either a vowel or a consonant') :-
classify(_, _) :-
member(H, [ H | _ ]) :- !.
member(E, [ _ | T ]) :- member(E, T).

The arguments of catch/3 are a goal to be called initially, a term to be unified with a ball that might be thrown while executing this goal, and a goal to be called if a ball was caught.

The Cut (!)

Sometimes, it is desirable to preclude backtracking that might otherwise occur. This is illustrated by the above example.

This problem could be prevented by adding explicit tests to the final rule to rule out the possibility that the character the user entered is really good - i.e. it could read something like:

classify(L, _) :-
	not member(L, [ a, e, i, o, u ]),
	not member(L, [ b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z ]),
	L \= y,
However, this solution is ugly and inconvenient, to say the least! Instead, each of the preceeding rules makes use of the builtin predicate cut (!/0), which is defined as follows:

Thus, when the conditions for any of the first three classify/2 rules is satisfied, the !/0 contained in the rule ensures that no alternative for classify/2 will be considered during backtracking. To see the difference this makes, consider what happens if we try a version of the program that does not contain cuts - i.e. if the classify/2 rules were as follows:

classify(L, 'Vowel') :-
    member(L, [ a, e, i, o, u ]).
classify(L, 'Consonant') :-
    member(L, [ b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z ]).
classify(y, 'Either a vowel or a consonant').
classify(_, _) :-
If the program include this version of the classify/2 rules instead, it would print the correct classification for a letter, and then - on the next line - would print 'Not a letter' for any letter except z.

It is important to bear in mind that ! cuts off every choicepoint established since the choice of the clause in which it occurs, as well as the clause choice itself. Suppose we used the "cut-less" version of the classify/2 rules as above, but instead tried to put the cut in the main rule, like this:

classify :-
    	write('Please enter a letter to classify: '),
        get_char(L), skipln,
        catch(classify(L, C), not_letter, C = 'Not a letter'),
        write(C), nl,
    L = z.
This program would not erroneously report that a letter is 'Not a letter', because the ! would cut off the choice made for the classify/2 rule, just like embedding it in the rules would. However, it would also cut off the choicepoint for repeat/0, with the consequence that the program would now always terminate after the user entered just one character!

The builtin predicate cut is, at the same time, a powerful tool for preventing unwanted results during backtracking and a dangerous tool that, if misused, can prevent correct results from being found by precluding the exploration of alternatives that should be considered. (Cut is the Prolog equivalent of a chain saw!) The place where cut is most useful is when a predicate is defined by a series of rules, of which only one should apply to a given case. In such a case, cut is often inserted immediately after the tests that determine the case, to prevent exploration of subsequent, unnecessary (and possibly erroneous) cases, as in the example just considered.

One other issue with regard to cut is the notion of "transparent to cut" versus "opaque to cut". Some of the control structure predicates are opaque to cut - meaning that if a cut occurs in a subgoal, it has no effect on any ancestor of the opaque goal. However, ,/2 and ;/2 are both transparent to cut - if they weren't the above example would not have worked, because the cut in the various classify/2 rules would have been blocked. Of the control structures we have considered:

One other control structure predicate that is used precisely because it is opaque to cut is call/1, which simply calls a goal and succeeds just when the goal succeeds. Indeed, were it not for the fact that it is opaque to cut, this builtin would serve no good purpose, since its behavior is otherwise equivalent to simply calling the subgoal!

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